Friday, December 12, 2014

The Cat’s Meow

Sitting in my kitchen
after teaching philosophy
I discover the meaning of life:
we’re all like white blood cells
in the body of the universe
doing what we can to help
when we’re called
just like my father, a fireman, did
whenever there was a fire.
After this thought ends
from my rooftop I hear a meowing cry
I might have ignored another time
but since tonight answering calls
is the meaning of life
I walk onto the roof
where I see a skinny tabby.
I give it some milk.
In the morning, with my girlfriend’s help,
I carry the cat down the fire escape.
Since we are stronger than a seven pound cat
we break the cat’s many grips
on the railing
and succeed in putting the cat
on the sidewalk.
The cat immediately hides under a car.
My girlfriend says you now have a cat.
I name the cat Uni for Universe.
His name and meows sometimes remind me:
keep meowing for response;
keep responding to meows.   

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