Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feeling Healing

After his birth in a stable, like an animal,
the people in his neighborhood call him a bastard.
He is an unwelcomed, cursed, outcast.
But he loves like domestic animals love.
When his parents tell him the story
of shepherds adoring him after he was born
he remembers that love
is as healing
as cuddling a lamb.


When the king hears that a miraclous child is born
he tries to kill the boy
by murdering all the children in the neighborhood.
The boy escapes to Egypt, with the trauma of knowing
that his body and blood, in birth as in conception, causes catastrophe.
In Egypt, a stranger in a strange land,
he begins to learn that a carpenter has freeing hands.


When his parents travel to Jerusalem for the Passover Seder,
he scares them by remaining in Jerusalem,
while they journey home.
After searching for three days
they are shocked to find him teaching elders in the temple
about our guide in the skies.
who he claims is his real father.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who Are You? .

You-I merge in night
arising with distinction--
please love in daylight.

Monday, March 29, 2010



Comfort pain.
Joy again!

Traveling Light

Even when delayed

we are on our way.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cosmos is Us

Outside is within

(identical twins)

expanding so free

seas of galaxies,

dark-matter, space-time--

all embraced by minds

with much room to spare

for our bodies’ care.

Friday, March 26, 2010

God’s Calling and Answering

Believing everything happens for a reason
reveals that everything happens for a reason
such as getting this poem
or not getting this poem.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

We’re Doing a Hecka of a Job

Maized, crazed, amazed,

creating days

ablase, unfazed.

What Looks Bad is a Miracle

Yosef sees his fiance’s belly swollen with child.
Yosef’s love moves him to divorce Miriam quietly.
The child’s body and blood, even before he takes a breath,
breaks his parents apart
until Yosef’s love for Miriam inspires him to dream
that a messenger from God is the father of Miriam’s child--
for of course all parents are messengers from God.
Miriam agrees.
Yosef and Miriam’s ecstasy as they dance when they marry
transforms their disgrace into joy
for all couples however they couple.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eros Unfroze

Love and Outrage

are the same fire:

burning, engaged,

healing desire.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dead Man Dancing

Stronger than need to cling

to truths I like to sing

is an urge blasting through

that’d love to dance with you

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Loving Our Way Out of Confusion

My father and I argue
which is longer,
“longer” or “longest.”
I say, "longest by definition is longest."
He says, "but longer is longer.”
We continue repeating ourselves,
loving that neither of us can ever lose.
When I remind myself that life is more than I know
I hear him say,
“You can’t know that life is more than you know.”
And I respond, "I know."

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Meaning of Life

Sitting in my kitchen

after teaching philosophy

I feel I’ve discovered the meaning of life.

We are all like white blood cells

in the body of the universe:

we do what we can to help

when we are called--

just like my father did as a fireman whenever there was a fire.

As this thought ends,

I hear a meowing cry from my rooftop.

I might have ignored it at another time.

It is very late and I am very tired.

But I have to respond after discovering the meaning of life.

I walk out and see a small skinny calico cat.

I give it some milk.

In the morning, with my girlfriend’s help,

I take the cat down the fire escape.

The cat grips tightly on the railing.

But I am stronger than a 7 pound cat.

I put it on the ground and it immediately hides under a car.

My girlfriend says,

“You have a cat.”

I name it “Uni” for “Universe.”

His name sometimes reminds me about the meaning of life,

and that in our universe

father like cat

can meow.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Life to You

My oldest friend, ever-lovin’ Richie,
wants, “a positive and excellent poem”
for his birthday. Our friendship, luckily,
is a positive and excellent poem.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Regulating for Congregating

From absolute zero--

radiates endless glow

warming through cold I know

allowing me to grow


or passionate,


or pay the rent.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Everything Happens for a Reason

Most of us listening keep our eyes closed
while one of my students in prison
is reading a story written by a boy who goes blind.
The boy discovers a light inside
that feels joyful except when he's afraid.
When I look for my light within
it feels harsh.
After class is over, my student says, "You fell asleep while I was reading."
When I protest, "No way,"
light in her eyes plays with mine.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Self-destruction for Construction

Self-destruction reveals a night

I might look at without fright

while comforted being no one

on the way to being someone.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Goody Goody

Goody Goody

When I did good
because I should
I did not know
good from me flows.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

When Words Kiss Life is Bliss

When our words are kisses in disguise
people might think we are very wise.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Birth Days

Grace from ground through skies
springing me and you
feeling endless I's
birth in all we do.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love's Art

In romance
Sex is dance.

Hide or Seek

Hide or Seek

I hide who I am
in all ways I can
til I’m kissed by air
seducing me here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Words Versus Life

Words don’t take my life from me
to turn it into a story
or even into a song--
That’s wrong! So wrong! Very wrong.

May my life infuse my words
so my life’s felt and heard
in words that reveal—not hide
what is inside and outside.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Honor Our Partners

When I stop to glance--
stalks in frozen dance
do not let me pass
until we en masse
feel choreographed.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Heal Heels

Sing zing.
Bite right.
Gait great.
Play day.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Spiritual Physics

All doing is bathed in silence.
Dark matter holds us in balance.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gee’s Us?

May we dare see
beyond blessed we?
Prayers reveal
how surreal’s real?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

24/7 for Heaven

Rejoice in successes--
Compassion for messes.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Physical Law

All we touch touches
moving us earthy with love
roots desiring blooms.